Saturday, March 29, 2008
So your life can really influence your music, and your music can really influence your life. Like when I had a bad day or I was feeling down and bad about myself, I would listen to "Iris", or another song that had to do with how I was feeling. Or if I had tons of energy and was feeling imensely happy, I would listen to a fast-paced song that made me want to jump up and dance. Even when I have a long orchestra rehearsel or concert, I want to listen to classical music. Sometimes even books influence what I listen to. There have been times that I really liked a song, that completely seemed like a book's plot that I recently read. The two things I love most in the world are books and music, so when they connect it so amazing!
So that was my random thought of the day. :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Crazy Things I Did as a Kid
1. Follow this format
2. Copy/Paste the rules
3. State who tagged you and add a link to their blog.
4. Write 5 crazy things you did as a kid
5. Tag 5 people
Crazy things:
1. I used to be in love with the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. I would watch it every day, print out coloring pages for it, buy the dolls, etc. Then one day my sister told me, jokingly, that I was too obsessed with Beauty and Beast, and being the sensitive person I was, I decided to put everything I owned that was remotely Beauty and the Beast in a shoe box and hid it under my bed. I don't think I even retrieved it until months later. Of course, if anyone did that to me nowdays, I'd just laugh in their face. ;)
2. I used to seriously think that different magical lands really did exist, and used to spend most my day trying and thinking of ways to get there. My friends and I tried tons of fake spells, and a million different things. Sadly, we never prevailed.
3. I used to put on and play with my grandmother's jewelery. I don't think she minded though. I see the pictures now of me with all that jewelery on, and they're hilarious.
4. My sister and I would make up songs and dances, and have concerts that my dad video recorded. Oh how we cringe when we see them now. ;)
5. Once when my cousins were visiting, we started to make a long paper chain. Extremely long. For over an hour we worked, and we hung it up through almost the entire house. Some of it was saved and is still hanging up in my grandpa's house.
Let's see, five people I apologize if you've already been tagged: Q, Hwalk, Miss Erin, Felicity, Elizabethbennett.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
What I'm Doing, etc.
Yeah, so I'll try to post about more interesting stuff later. There's plenty that I could blog about, but nothing that anyone else would be interested in. Right now I'm basically doing school stuff and trying to work out some personal issues. I'm sure that I'll find peace with what I'm worrying about eventually. So....yeah.
Have a great week!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Not the Easter I was Planning...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter
Also as you may have noticed, I did some changes to the layout. I was getting really bored with the other one and I needed a change. What do you think?
Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Beauty Sleep

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Happy St. Patty's Day
Well anyway, the reason I did this today is that I have to work on a big Rube Goldberg project tomorrow. If you don't know what a Rube Goldberg is, look here. Really, I don't even understand the point of doing this. Why make things more complicated than they need to be? And another question, why did I put this off until the evening before it was due? ;)
Also my sister got back from D.C. today! It's great to have you back Jessie, if you're reading this. :)
Have a wonderful week!
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Book Titles Meme
In this one, I'm supposed to write the first word in the title of the book I'm currently reading. Then I'm supposed to write a phrase for each word that describes the book. Okay, here's mine:
Good and giving sorceress
Order given by a wizard
Long, golden hair.
Daring heroine
Enchanted tower
Never ending magic
I can't think of anyone who hasn't done this yet, but if you haven't, consider yourself tagged.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sons of Liberty

Sunday, March 9, 2008
7 Random Things
In this meme I'm supposed to say random things about myself. Hmm....this will be interesting.
1. I have a clone ;) Actually a fraternal twin sister that is leaving to go on a leadership forum tommorrow to Washington D.C. I'm so incredibly jealous.
2. I love to watch movies. In fact, I think that I love watching movies almost as much as I love reading books. If you're going to see a movie at the theaters, chances are that I've seen it. I think I watch one at least every other day.
3. I've met Shannon Hale three times, and have all of her books autographed. Also for the past nines months I've been a member of LRRH, I've logged on at least once a day. Obesessed, I know.
4. I cry when I read sad books and watch sad movies. I even cry during happy books and movies. Really, I'm a sap when it comes to things like that. :)
5. I really like to listen to classical music. Mainly soundtrack movies, but I love other classical too. I think it began when I started to play the violin, but I've loved it ever since.
6. I'm going to England for the first time this summer. I'm so excited, since this will be the first time I've ever been out of the United States.
7. I've never owned any pets. And believe me, I love animals. We were going to get a dog for a while when I was in fourth grade, but it never worked out. Oh, how I want a doggie. ;)
I tag Ani Isilee, Maribeth Kayla, Hwalk, Fantasy, Ennagirl, and anyone else that wants to do this. :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008
My Life in Six Words
So, I thought long and hard about how I should sum up my life in six words. Here's what I came up with.
I'm making my way to reality.
I'm always daydreaming about books, thinking about books, basically breathing books and never giving a thought to anything else but books. Don't worry I'll get there though. ;)
Since I can't think of anyone who hasn't been tagged already, whoever is reading this who hasn't, go ahead.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A Curse Dark As Gold

Okay, this isn't the first review for A Curse Dark as Gold. And I'm sure that you all know what it's about by now. But in case you don't...
Since her father's death, the fate of the Miller family woolen mill and Shearing village, rests on Charlotte Miller's shoulders. An unexpected and seemly insurmountable debt leads to a difficult choice for the normally pratical and level-headed miller's daughter.
Must she take the offer of the strange little man that can spin straw into gold, or can she make her own way through a maze of ill luck and deceit that seems her family's legacy?
This is a re-telling of the Rumpelstiltskin story. I had never read the original tale, but I absolutely loved this book. I have to admit, the forces were working against me to never have time to finish this book. But I couldn't stop reading for hours when I finally got to reading it. I think that the author's writing is beautiful, and I loved the romance and the characters just as well. The wonderful reputation for this book is well earned. Great fantasy read.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Partner Interviews
Life Experiences
After that, you presented all the things you learned about your partner to the class. Usually I don't like doing personal stufff like this. Do you really learn about anyone in the end? I was surprised about the few people that really did open up, and answer these questions truthfully. Others used humor to escape potential embarrassing things to be revealed. Does it make it easier when someone else is talking about you, so you don't have to do it yourself? Maybe a little. Like I said, I usually get uncomfortable doing things like that, but I think it went all right in the end. Maybe people did learn some new things about me.
By the way, I saw Penelope last night at the movies. Really good. Leanna gives it five stars. :)
Also, I am still reading A Curse Dark as Gold, but it's been a really slow process. I've barely had any time lately.
Have a great weekend!