Monday, February 4, 2008

Enna Burning

Continuing my Shannon re-reads and reviews...

So Enna Burning. Well, of course it was amazing. This is probably the book by Shannon that I've read the least amount of times, so it was fun to go back and read the parts I'd forgotten. But I think that this book was a little different from the others. That is, I loved it best the first time. I loved the mystery and suspense of never having read it before. Such as, meeting the new characters and trying to decide whether they were good or evil, etc. Knowing how the book ended kind of took that away. Regardless, I still enjoyed it immensely. It is a lot more serious and suspenseful than some of the other Books of Bayern. Lots of stuff going on, and lots of action and romance (my most favorite parts). I always thought, too bad about Sileph. I didn't exactly like him the first time I read it, but for some reason I thought he was a really cool character. Even though I sort of figured he was using her, I liked him a little bit for a while, just like Enna. But that's all I'm going to say about that, especially since Finn is so much more awesome.

So a great read. Plan on re-reading that sometime too.



Anonymous said...

When I re-read EB, I was seriously blown away. I forgot how amazing it was.
Sileph...never once did I like him... :)

Anonymous said...

"So Enna Burning. Well, of course it was amazing."

True, so true...