Wednesday, February 27, 2008
One Year Ago
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Adoration of Jenna Fox

Sunday, February 24, 2008
New Stuff
Friday, February 22, 2008
A School Post
But I have high hopes for next school year. I mostly enjoy school. I've noticed that the classes that I love are the ones that challenge me the most. There are some that are easy that I should enjoy, but bore me. And the ones that give me the most challenge and stress...well, I love them. It's rather hard to explain. I like being busy and having something worthwhile to do that I'm not wasting my time. I like feeling that I accomplished something that day, instead of just barely making through it.
Most of my classmates hate learning, and that's something I don't understand. I say, find something at school that you love and try your best to excell at it. That makes it all worth it for me. :)
A Rhyming Meme
What your favorite nursery rhyme?
I don't think I have one.
First chapter book you read?
I don't know if I exactly remember the first, but I liked Bailey School Kids, Junie B. Jones, and some other of those kinds of books.
Do you read best in the daytime?
It doesn't usually matter. I read when I feel like reading, day or night.
Or when you are in bed?
When I read at night, I am usually in my bed.
A funny or serious tone?
It depends on what I'm in the mood for. I really like both.
A favorite character that is a guy.
Finn from the Books of Bayern.
Some books you want to own.
Breaking Dawn, Forest Born, Dragon Slippers, Specials, and many, many others.
And the first book that made you cry.
That would definitely be Charlotte's Web. I cried, and cried, and cried if you can believe it.
I tag whoever wants to do this. It's really cool. :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008
Princess Academy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Early Valentine's Day
The weather here has been crazy. These last couple of days have been sunny and bright, and I thought that spring was finally coming. But as I walked out of school, I walked into a snow blizzard. I really wish that the weather would make up it's mind already.
I got two books this week. One from Pulse It and one of In Group. From Pulse It. I got Secrets of my Surburban Life. Sophie already did a review for it on her blog. I actually got that a few weeks ago and should be done with it by now.
Then from In Group I got The Adoratin of Jenna Fox. That one is an ARC I believe.
So I must get busy. I have to study for a lot of tests tonight, and then I have a huge violin test on Friday and for the next couple of weeks. Seriously, I wish I could get some days off from school because of all this snow. First, I need the time and second, they still make us trudge to school even though there is sixteen inches of snow outside. It really isn't fair.
Anyway, have a great rest of the week!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
River Secrets

Saturday, February 9, 2008
On a happier note, I finished River Secrets and hope to put up a review for it soon. This weekend has been pretty miserable, but at least I have my books to make me feel better. :)
Friday, February 8, 2008
I'm Still Alive...
So basically I haven't had much time to read River Secrets this week, so that's been kind of sad. I'm about halfway through though, and I hope to finish it this weekend. I don't have too much homework, thankfully. I'm not home right now either, I'm typing this from my Grandpa's house...
Anyway, for some updates, last Saturday I got see the symphony perform Beethoven's Seventh. That was amazing.
Also, the release date for Breaking Dawn was announced on Thursday; August 2, 2008. Less than a year from Eclipse. I'm excited for another summer release. Hope a cover comes out soon.
So that's it for now, until I (finally) have enough time to finish some books. There's probably no hope for any next week, since my Orchestra teacher is giving us another test...blah. Have a great weekend!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Enna Burning

Continuing my Shannon re-reads and reviews...
So Enna Burning. Well, of course it was amazing. This is probably the book by Shannon that I've read the least amount of times, so it was fun to go back and read the parts I'd forgotten. But I think that this book was a little different from the others. That is, I loved it best the first time. I loved the mystery and suspense of never having read it before. Such as, meeting the new characters and trying to decide whether they were good or evil, etc. Knowing how the book ended kind of took that away. Regardless, I still enjoyed it immensely. It is a lot more serious and suspenseful than some of the other Books of Bayern. Lots of stuff going on, and lots of action and romance (my most favorite parts). I always thought, too bad about Sileph. I didn't exactly like him the first time I read it, but for some reason I thought he was a really cool character. Even though I sort of figured he was using her, I liked him a little bit for a while, just like Enna. But that's all I'm going to say about that, especially since Finn is so much more awesome.
So a great read. Plan on re-reading that sometime too.
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Goose Girl

I love this book. It's one of my all time favorites. And every time I read it, I realize how much I love it again.
When Princess Anidori-Kiladra Talianna Isilee is sent by her mother, the Queen of Kildenree, to marry the prince of Bayern, their neighboring country, she is betrayed by her lady-in-waiting Selia, who is trying to steal her name and her title. She must hide out as a goose girl before she can fight for her name and title back. She soon discovers some unusual talents, along with friends who help her discover who she really is and what she's meant for.
Amazing. Stunning. Completely wonderful. Everyone in the world should read this book. And if you've already read it, go and re-read it-now! ;)