Seriously, who even needs a summary? I'm sure you all know what this book is about by now. Though you should be warned that there are major Twilight series spoilers to come. And also...
***Please consider before reading this post***
I have nothing against this series. In fact, I love this series. If you're a huge Twilight fan, don't take anything in this post personally. While I may have some strong opinions about some of the characters, it does not influence my opinion of the book, and I still like it very much regardless.
Okay, so I'll get started now. What can I say about New Moon? It used to the only book in the Twilight series that I had only read once. I also thought that it was my least favorite. That's the main reason that I kept putting off rereading it. But I gave in about a week ago.
So there were things that I liked and hated about this book. The first time I read this, I absolutely hated and despised Jacob Black. I, like most everyone else, just wanted Edward to come back. But I had this opinion before I read Eclipse, which was when I realized I didn't like Edward as much as I thought I did. Anyway, I was always constantly annoyed with Jacob and wished that he would just go away. Even through my second time, I still found myself wishing that at some parts. But I approached him with more of an open mind this time. I figured, what was it that I hated so much about Jacob Black? (just in New Moon, don't get me started about Eclipse.) Seriously, what did I dislike about him so much? He was a kind, caring friend towards Bella. He was the one who got her out of her huge pit of depression after Edward left. From the outside, he seems like an awesome guy. Then I realized the only reason I didn't like him was because he threatened Bella's relationship with Edward. And then like I said before, I realized after I read Eclipse that I didn't like Edward as much as I thought I did. So through my second reading of New Moon, Jacob didn't annoy me half as much as he did before. So that was an improvement I noticed while reading it again. So even though I was still relieved when Alice came back and the plot started to pick up again (and reach my favorite part when they go to Italy), I still appreciated that part of the book more when Bella hangs out with the werewolves.
Still remember that this is my opinion on the characters in New Moon. My Eclipse one (that will be interesting) won't come until later.
So like I said, it was better the second time when I had an open mind. Even though my favorite part was still the Volturi in Italy. That part was just awesome. So I enjoyed it, and it went by a lot quicker than it did the first time.
So some Eclipse thoughts will be coming soon. This is all just in preparation for Breaking Dawn on Aug. 2, which I am excited for. I think that it has the potential to be the best in the entire series, so that's what I'm looking forward to.
I know - I felt the same thing while reading that book. It was like, "I want Edward, not Jacob!" That's the whole reason I stopped reading the book and went onto wikipedia to find out what happened at the end. ;)
Haha I just re-read this last week too!
I almost never read New Moon cause it's my least favorite, but after reading it again and realizing that there is still hope for her and Edward, I can appreciate the rest of the story and the friendship between her and Jacob.
So I really like Jacob now; I just don't like him and Bella as a couple. :P
The only book I like Jacob in is NM. And I only like him because he gets Bella to start living again.
But the best part of NM is the Italy part. More specifically, the volturi. :)
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