Today was a good day. I got my first quarter report card today. A lot better than I thought it was going to be. Plus, I got my letter of acceptence into NJHS. Plus I got a ninety-five on my biology test.
Finally, school is actually going okay after it stunk for a really long time. So that's why I finally have a weekend of peace where I don't have to stress out over anything. Yay!
But I actually need help with a couple things, and some suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
First, does anyone have any suggestions for a poem I could memorize for my English class? It needs to be at least twenty lines, and since I don't read much poetry, I have no idea what to do!
Second, I'm doing book reviews for my school paper, and I need ideas on what books I should do. It needs to be YA, something that appeals to all types of readers, and is school appropriate. I'm lost on this too, so I would love recommends.
So any type of suggestions at all on any of these would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Happy Holidays!
2 months ago
It's so cool that school is going so well for you. :D
1. I'm not that good with poems either, unfortunately. Maybe something of Emily Dickenson?
2. I'm not that sure about what books would appeal to everyone, but maybe something contemporary, like of Maureen Johnson or Sarah Dessen's, because they're awesome. Also, maybe the Inkheart trilogy? It's really popular.
The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost. If you're really ambitious you could memorize the poem I posted recently on my blog, but it would take forever.
Thanks Merissa and Q for helping me out! You gave me some really good ideas. Thanks!
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